Submerged Arc
Welding in Pipemills
Unique multiwire submerged arc welding
systems were developed by Mr. Uttrachi for welding of
gas and oil pipe and have been installed in a number of countries around the world.
The countries where this patented system was installed include: the
USA, Mexico, South America, Middle East, Japan,
UK, and Italy. The system is capable of producing high
quality, high speed welds without interference from
defects caused by Arc Blow. Extensive experience has been developed
implementing these systems in production. Operator training, precautions
with the numerous variables can be defined.
Invented a SAW Method to weld gas and oil transmission pipe at double the then current speeds. It used ~3000 amps with all AC power to avoid arc blow. It had a specific power phasing to create a foward sweeping trail arc.
A technical Paper describing
our early work was also published in The American Welding Society's Welding Journal:
“Multiple Electrode Systems for Submerged Arc Welding,"
by G. D. Uttrachi, Welding Journal, May 1978.
Another excellent paper
discussing the Installation of 11 of these systems at the Armco Pipemill in
Houston Texas was also presented in The American Welding Society's Welding
Journal: “Hot-Overlap Technique for Three-Electrode
Submerged Arc Welding of Line Pipe,” by P.W. Ramsey, T. M. Even and G.
R. Wepfer, Welding Journal, October 1972. This mill had a unique data
acquisition system installed which recorded the amperage, voltage and welding
speed for all 33 electrodes! Not an easy task with 1972 technology.
However weld results could be analyzed statistically and with corrective actions
weld defect rates reduced to very low levels.
If you are interested in this consulting service e-mail:
Capabilities and
Discussion of Arc Blow
Overview of Article on Multiwire-Multipower Welding
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