Capabilities and Background
Overview of
Welding Consulting Capabilities:
President WA Technology, LLC 
Assistance with reduction in shielding gas waste.
Training welders and supervisors on the technical
aspects of shielding gas control. Welding process and consumable
assessment, selection and automation.
Welding process training.
Extensive practical experience increasing welding productivity
with the submerged
arc welding process in gas and oil transmission pipe, vessel, heavy section weldments etc .
Academic Background/Affiliations:
Mr. Uttrachi has
a Bachelors and Masters Degree in Mechanical
Engineering and a Master of Science Degree in Management from New Jersey
Institute of Technology (NJIT). He is a member of ASME and AWS.
He was selected as an AWS Counselor for his leadership and
training efforts. The citation for that award
included the following
wording; "- - he has trained a whole generation of salesman, end users
and distributors in a wide variety of welding processes and equipment through
personnel training and development of training materials."
Mr. Uttrachi was inaugurated as 2007
President of the American Welding Society at their annual Exhibition in
Atlanta Georgia. The photo left was taken at that ceremony with his
"classmate," Harry Ebert (left in photo; who before retiring was chief welding engineer
for Exxon) graduated as a Welding
Engineer in 1948, then he and Mr. Uttrachi (center) obtained Masters Degree in the Behavior of Metals at NJIT in
the late 1960's. (Harry passed away in February 2014 at the age of 89. In addition to taking several metallurgy courses with Harry, I was on an AWS submerged arc filler metals committee with him. He was always looking out for the small fabricator as well as being careful not to let the filler metals manufactures, get loose standards into the code! I recall one incident where a flux manufacturer wanted to circumvent the fact that this low hydrogen process did not allow baking the tensile specimen that was allowed for 60XX series stick electrodes. Hydrogen, in a recently made test weld, could cause "not so low hydrogen fluxes" to produce weld tensile specimens to form what are called "Fish Eyes" that cause lower than specification elongations. The manufacturers representative asked if it was OK to keep the preheat on overnight if the ~14 pass, multipass weld, required by the specification, was not finished. I was suspicious of the motive but the committee sounded sympathetic to the issue. Then the manufactures representative said, "well suppose it was on a Friday night could the preheat be kept on until Monday!" Harry quickly picked-up on what was he was trying to accomplish and helped stop any preheat being held over even overnight! I quickly supported Harry and said, "just let the technician making the weld earn some overtime!")
Gus Manz (right in above photo), also an NJIT graduate, has numerous
patents in the welding field related to the early power supplies for MIG
welding and was the inventor of "Hot Wire TIG and MIG Processes." Gus
was a colleague at the Linde Development Laboratories.
Uttrachi was a Trustee of the AWS Education
Foundation for 15 years and Chairman
of its Board of Trustees for six. He
has served on numerous AWS committees including Filler Metal Specification
Committees, Technical Papers Committee, Handbook Committees, Marketing,
Exhibition & Publication Committee, which he Chaired for 9 years, New
Product Development and the Membership Committee. He
currently is Chair of the Metric Practice Committee, and a member of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC,) Intellectual Property
and Conference Committees. He is also a member of the American
Society of Mechanical Engineers and serves as Chair of his local Section.
Welding Industry Experience:
During his 45+ year career in the welding industry, Mr.
Uttrachi has managed a welding shielding gas and filler metals Development
Laboratory for Linde (renamed Praxair) and was Vice President of Marketing for L-TEC
Welding & Cutting Systems and subsequently ESAB Welding Products. He is responsible for
a number of developments in welding shielding gases, filler metals, equipment
and welding processes and was granted a number of related patents. Some of his work
has been published in technical journals and trade publications including the AWS
Welding Journal.
Patents: He
holds a number of United States and foreign patents in the welding process,
welding equipment and
filler materials areas including six recent patents, four concerning weld shielding gas
conservation and weld quality improvement:
Patent # 3,659,073;” Method of DC Constant Potential Submerged Arc
Patent # 3,778,587; “Flux Cored Wire With 200 to 2000 ppm Oxygen”
Patent # 3,854,028; “High Speed Electroslag Welding”
Patent # 4,256,949; “Method For Submerged Arc Welding Of Pipe”
Patent # 4,645,903; “Gas Metal
Arc Welding (MIG) Process”
Patent # 6,610,957;”Welding
Shielding Gas Saver Device”
7. Patent #
7,015,412; "Welding Shielding Gas Saver Flow-Control Device"
8. Patent # 7,019,248; "Welding Shielding Gas Flow Control Device"
9. Patent # 7,462,799; "Welding Shielding Gas Flow
Rate-Limiting Apparatus"
10. Patent # 8,104,094; "Clean, Cool, Comforatble Welding Helmet"
11. Patent # 8.336,113; "Cool, Clean Air
Welding Helmet issued Dec. 25, 2012
Publications In:
The AWS Welding Journal
“Three-Wire Submerged Arc Welding of Line Pipe”;
(See recent summary)
“A New DC Power System for
Submerged Arc Welding”
“Electroslag Welding Speeds the
Making of Ships”
“Multiple Electrode Systems for Submerged Arc Welding”
(See recent summary)
“Basics of Semiautomatic (MIG) Welding.”
"NASCAR Race Team Demands Quality Welds...”See AWS Journal, April 2003 Also see
"Welding 4130" or
"Welding Race Cars" on this site.
"GMAW Shielding Gas Flow Control Systems." (See
Article) Note: GO TO page 22.
"Those Were The Days: The 1980's Decade of Change
"How FDT College
Grew it's Welding Program"
Design & Fabrication
“Selection of Submerged Arc Wire and Flux,”
"What Do Robots Need in Welding Equipment,"
“Bridge Welding Global Style,"
Body Builders
"Solution to Weld Shielding Gas Waste."
Article in Magazine)
"Texas Fabricator Reduces MIG Welding Shielding Gas Waste."
(See Article in Magazine)
Institute of Steel Construction
"Innovations in Welding and Cutting." AISC 1997 Conference Proceedings
Tube and
Pipe Association / FMA
"Managing GMAW Shielding Gas Flow " 2005 Pipe Fabricating
Conference Proceedings
in The World (IIW)
"Gas Waste and Weld Start Quality Issues in Common GMAW
Shielding Gas Delivery Systems and Suggested Solution"
Book Published by the Leading Automotive Enthusiast Publisher, CarTech
" Advanced Automotive Welding," See information on this sight under Special 3.
Production Experience:
Mr. Uttrachi has worked
with a number of industries in defining methods and approaches for solving welding problems. The welding process developed for submerged arc welding of
pipe has been installed in a number of countries around the world including;
USA, Mexico, South America, Middle East, Japan,
UK, and Italy. The system is capable of producing high
quality, high speed welds without interference from
defects caused by arc blow.
Experience with Cellular and Lean Manufacturing
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