China Wastes 7 Times the Amount of Welding
Then the USA
We Estimate About 4 Million Tons per Year!
Japan is no better!
Note: A Large Chinese
Fabricator Orders
GSS's |
attending the very impressive and successful Beijing ESSEN Welding and Cutting Fair we had a chance to
review their methods and products used to delivery shielding gas when MIG
welding. As expected, 95% of the fabricators
in China use
shielding gas when MIG welding with solid or flux cored wire. CO2
is much less expensive than Argon and Argon gas mixturs in China. (Note a similar
situation exists in Japan, Korea and much of Asia.)
We found the
regulator/flowmeters and pipeline flowmeters being offered for sale,
are designed to read accurately at 50 psi (0.35MPa) inlet pressure. The higher
pressure minimizes ice particle formation in the needle valve when using cylinder CO2.
Some regulators designed for higher flow rates had built-in electrical
heaters to avoid the ice particle problem.
Personnel working in the gas suppler exhibition booths were very
knowledgeable of the need for higher delivery system pressures. One mentioned
some fabricators use the 50 psi calibrated flowmeters and do not understand
that pipeline pressure must also be 50 psi to have them read correctly!
Sounds like some fabricators in the USA who are using 25 psi calibrated
rotameter flowmeters on a 50 psi pipeline and when reading 35 CFH do not
understand flow is actually 45 CFH !!
They also
understand the need for higher pressure to achieve
"Automatic Flow Compensation; See
Link." |
of the wire feeders on display came with about 20 feet of 6mm (1/4 inch) ID
gas delivery hose (See typical feeder photo left, rust colored hose is for
shielding gas). When discussing the reason for this large ID
hose with an engineer from a company displaying about 100 wire feeders
he quickly understood the reason for the waste of shielding gas at the weld
start. Discussing the use of a small ID gas delivery hose he
understood the benefits. We discussed the low flow rates used in
welding and he acknowledged that a smaller hose would have little pressure
drop for most of their customers applications. |
China has 4 times the
number of professional welders as the USA and consumes over 3.5 times the amount of
steel annually. From observations at the Beijing welding show
with over 500 exhibitors the percentage of MIG welding may not be equal to
the USA but it is very high. We can conservatively assume the have
about 3 times the number of MIG welders. Since they have similar gas
delivery systems we can also assume the published waste percentage in the USA is about
the same in China, 30CF of gas consumed per lb of wire used. In fact
they probably have an even higher waste since regulator pressures on average
appear to be higher. However to be conservative we'll assume the waste
is similar, not higher. |
Calculating the
potential CO2 waste assuming:
25 CF
wasted per pound of wire consumed (30 CF used - 5 CF needed)
Their annual
wire usage (solid and cored) equals to about 3.5 times the US consumption
Their very high
percentage of CO2 used versus the USA
We estimate the gas waste
occurring annually on China to be 3,800,000 TONS of
(See Calculation Details)
In addition to the direct CO2 gas waste the cost to produce,
fill cylinders and transport the gas is
another significant energy consumer. When used in cylinders, a heavy
cylinder must be transported in addition to the gas! Our "Gas Saver
System" and "Flow Rate Limiter and Lock" can save considerable CO2.
We'd estimate from results we have achieved with thousands of Gas Saver
Systems the amount of CO2 can easily be cut in half with better
weld starts! Unlike the USA, Canada etc where sufficient
cylinder filling stations and trucks to transport gas exist, China is
building these items very rapidly to fill the demand for CO2.
In the welding field they could pause for a number of years by just
eliminating CO2 waste by using our Gas Saver System! |
Gas Saving Device That Optimizes Starting is Available for Asia, South
America and Europe.
It fits any length hose and is
useful in shipyards w here
long gas delivery hoses are employed.
Email your name and address:
Click ICON |
Gas Saver Products Can Help Cut Shielding
Gas Use by 50%
or More!
Help the Environment, Save Energy While Saving
Shielding Gas Cost and Improving Weld Quality |
Japan is No Better !
In Japan a high percentage of
MIG (or MAG as they refer to it) welders use CO2 shielding gas
and employ relatively high pressure flowmeters to avoid ice particles
forming in the small gas passages. However like most of the world they
use 1/4 inch ID hose. In fact we saw even bigger 7mm hose being
employed on all welders used at the 2007 World Skills Contest held in Japan. |
were not only as large o r
larger in ID than what is typically used in the USA, all welders had much
longer hoses than needed. For example on MIG welders used in
automotive World Skills where the gas cylinder was on a cart and a 2 meter
long hose would have more than sufficient, a 4 meter was being used.
We find the same excess in the USA! That means twice as much excess
gas is being wasted and weld quality suffering at each start. |
Purchase Information
Gas Saving
Products |
Purchase Information Flow Rate Limiter |
see example of a fabricator who now welds 632 parts employing our Gas Saver
System with the same amount of gas and flow rate they previously used to weld only 236 parts! |