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What is the Ideal
Shielding Gas Delivery System?

A question we're often asked.  Here are some answers:

Just Replace Your Gas Delivery Hose With Our GSS


  1. Operate at Greater than 25 psi for "Automatic Flow Compensation"  Retaining Preset Gas Flow as Flow Restrictions Occur While Welding

  2. Provide a Controlled Amount of Extra Start Gas to Quickly Purge Air From the Weld Start Area Improving Weld Start Quality

  3. Limit  Starting Gas Peak Flow Rate Avoiding Turbulence That Causes Air to Be Mixed Into the Shielding Stream

  4. Eliminate Excess Stored Gas by When Welding Stops.  Significantly Reducing  Gas Waste at each weld start .  Cutting  Total Gas Use by ~50%

The patented GSS does all of these things at a low cost!

SEE Why Low Pressure "Gas Guards" and Simple Orifices Mounted at the Wire Feeder Don't Work

Does Your Pipeline Pressure Vary?  See Possible Solution.

Question: What is the best way to deliver shielding gas to a MIG system?

Answer: The system should quickly provide extra gas at the weld start purging air from the weld start area at a maximum flow rate that avoids excess turbulence .  It must also automatically maintain preset gas flow when restrictions occur such as spatter buildup.  Our patented Gas Saver System (GSS TM) does all these things and more - it  eliminates the excess "gas blast" and gas waste at each weld start and can cut total gas use in half while improving weld start quality. It does this with no moving parts or needed maintenance!

For systems with up to 50 feet from gas cylinder to wire  feeder  or where a hose connects from a pipeline to the feeder; the best systems are shown in the  above schematic.  It consists of a rotameter flowmeter and our Gas Saver System (GSS.)  This system will work for any gas supply. 

  The benefits of this system include:

  1. The gas flow can be quickly  seen and read by the position of the flow indicator ball to define if your within your Weld Procedure Specifications.  Note for cylinder gas supply, a regulator/flowgauge also provides these benefits, see details below.

  2. The GSS  eliminates the excess "gas blast" and  gas waste at each MIG weld start .

  3. This arrangement quickly delivers a sufficient amount of extra shielding at the weld start to purge the weld start area, MIG gun nozzle and gun gas hose, resulting in higher quality weld starts with less spatter and internal weld porosity.  It delivers this extra gas at a controlled peak surge flow rate that minimizes turbulence.  CLICK to see details of why extra gas at weld start is needed)

  4. The GSS also maintains the system pressure so automatic flow compensation is maintained.  This feature maintains flow even when spatter builds in the gun nozzle or when gun cables are twisted etc.  "Automatic flow compensation" has been built into gas delivery systems since the introduction of MIG welding in the 1950's!  (CLICK for more information on that feature.)

Question: What if we have over 50 feet from gas supply to wire feeder?

Answer: The GSS can operate up to 100 foot from gas supply to wire feeder if cylinder regulator pressure or pipeline pressure is 50 psi or higher.  Email and define the regulator/flowmeter model for cylinder supply and the pipeline pressure if on pipeline gas supply.  TechSupport@NetWelding.com 


Question: Suppose we want to lock the flow setting to stay within our Welding Procedure Specifications and to avoid shielding gas waste?

Answer: You can use our Flow Rate Limiter and Lock that fits most flowmeters and regulator/ flowmeters.  You set the flow and lock the control knob so it can not be turned further to increase flow.

CLICK for Details


Question: We don't like to use rotameter flowmeters since they are somewhat susceptible to breakage.  What can we use?

Answer: A flowgauge/regulator will work fine for cylinder gas supply (photo right.)  We have many customers using these with our GSS .  For typical flow rate settings the regulator is often operating at 50 to 80 psi.  Even though your reading flow in CFH on the gauge your actually setting the pressure upstream of a critical orifice.  The GSS  is very beneficial with these systems since significant excess gas is stored in the delivery hose every time welding is stopped.  The amount of stored gas as measured at standard pressure (what you pay for) can exceed 6 times the physical hose volume! SEE WHY


Question: We don't like to use rotameter flowmeters and we are pipeline gas supply.  What can we use?

Answer: Some fabricators use a flow control orifice mounted at the pipeline drop after the required shut-off.  The orifice size is selected to provide the desired flow.  Since it can't be adjusted the flow is set to the highest level that will be needed. Also whe welding stopps gas continues to flow through the orifce and fills the gas delivery hose with high pipeline pressure. When welding starts that produces a high gas surge, wasting gas and creating inferior weld start quality.   We offer a unique, patented Orifice controled Gas Saver System OGSS that solves the surge and gas waste probem. CLICK This Link For Info!

When using an orifice to control flow, it is advisable to measure gas flow at the MIG gun nozzle with a portable flowmeter like the one shown on the left.  CLICK on picture to see details of this device which we offer for sale.  It is an inexpensive way to check for actual flow out of the gun nozzle.

With this system the GSS  is very important since pipeline pressures are usually 50 psi or higher and weld start gas surge is very high.  This high gas surge causes turbulent flow resulting in inferior start quality as well as significant gas waste.


Question: Is it sufficient to just use the GSS  to replace the shielding gas delivery hose (from the gas supply flow control to wherever the gas control solenoid is located?) What about the gas delivery lines and torch lines after the solenoid?

Answer: The excess  gas stored when welding stops (which is mostly wasted when welding starts) causes the high flow surge at the weld start.  This excess only exists between the gas supply flow control and the gas control solenoid.  The gas lines after the solenoid and those in the torch are not exposed to the high pressure when welding stops.  In fact depending on how long the weld is stopped, air will diffuse back into these lines.  SEE Why Some Extra Gas is Needed at the Weld Start.


Question: We have only 6 foot gas delivery hoses, is there a benefit to using a GSS ?

Answer: Yes, there is.  A company with 128 welding robots recently asked the same question.  They were running a Black Belt Lean Manufacturing study.  After purchasing four 6 foot GSS systems (WAT FB6) they ran extensive tests on their various parts.  They found a minimum of 25% and with some parts over 40% gas savings! Their parts are very repetitive so the comparison gas usage test data is  very reliable  See Details.  The Bottom Line is they purchased 128 systems!


Question: We have very long gas lines, is there anything we can do?

Answer: Yes, we have developed and patented systems for any length gas delivery hose, even those used in shipyards with gas delivery lines exceeding 200 to 300 feet.  Our patented Orifice controled Gas Saver System OGSS solves the surge and gas waste probem. CLICK This Link For Info!


Question: Our pipeline supply pressure varies a great deal as welding machines come on line , is there anything we can do?

Answer: Yes, the same patented systems developed for very long gas delivery hose lines can be effective where pipeline pressures vary.  Please supply details of your pressure ranges observed, number of welders and desired flow rates.  Email to: TechSupport@NetWelding.com 


The low pressure devices shown in the above photo, reduce surge at the weld start but operate well under 25 psi to accomplish the reduction.  This low pressure eliminates "Automatic Flow Compensation."  Flow varies significantly when spatter builds in the gun nozzle, gas diffuser and the small gas passage in gun cable partially clogs with wire debris.  CAUTION  some brands do not mention they use" low pressure" they just say the "Reduce Surge" or "Gas Guard" etc.  Some are honest and mention they are "Non-Compensating."

The "Gas Guard" shown at the right of the above photo mounts at the wire feeder and in addition to eliminating the very important  "Automatic Flow Compensation" it also DOES NOT provide sufficient extra gas at the start to properly purge the weld area and gun nozzle of air- a double "BAD!"  The use of these products often frustrates welders (and management who may wrongly blame the welder for wanting excess gas!) 

Unfortunately after trying these devices and finding the problems, some fabricators are reluctant to try our patented GSS not understanding our system has none of these faults and welders appreciate the weld start improvement benefits.

See Four Fabricators Who Reported Discarding These Low Pressure "Surge Reducing" Devices.

Another Approach Tried to Reduce Surge, Simple Orifices Mounted at the Wire Feeder, Rightly Frustrate Welders!   At Best, Steady State Flows are Set Higher Than Needed in Attempt to Correct the Real Problem-Lack of Sufficient Start Gas!  SEE DETAILS



Quality Regulator/Flowmeters and Regulator/Flowgauges Operate at Pressures Above 25 psi to Automatically Compensate for Restrictions and Maintain Preset Flow.  For CO2 this pressure can be as high as 80 psi to avoid ice partial formation in the needle valve or orifice.  Click to See How This Works.

Does Your Pipeline Pressure Vary?

We have helped a company who used small copper tubing and when their gas usage expanded they used pipeline pressures of 125 psi.  They had pressure drops in parts of the pipeline and their flows, as measured on a 50 psi calibrated flowmeter were far more that the flow reading!  The solution? Add the proper regulator, NOT the cylinder regulator/flowmeters we had seen employed on pipelines to try to solve the problem.  They do not work!  See The Following Details.

See Other Questions and Answers; Click Link Below:

Q&A About Automatic Flow Compensation

Q&A About Extra Gas Needed at Weld Start


Click Picture Left to See Video:

What is the Ideal MIG Gas Flow Setting?