Compare the typical values in the above table with your usage.
Example; You purchased 46,000 lbs of 0.045
solid wire in the past 6 months and during the same period 610,000 CF of
Argon and CO2
Multiple the value from the far right column in the above table times the
wire purchase amount; 5.0 CF/ 1 pound X 46,000 lb
of wire purchased = 230,000 CF of gas you should have purchased.
But you purchased 610,000 CF of
gas. Therefore 610,000 – 230,000 = 380,000 CF was wasted or 380,000 Wasted
/ 610,000 Purchased = 62% Gas Wasted!
If you use several types of wire, treat each individually and add the
total gas requirements.
We have found this waste percentage to be typical
with some locations wasting significantly more!

Want a Guide that Summarizes
the Steps Needed to Define Your Gas Losses and Take the Action to Reduce Gas
It is more detailed than this
simple example and provides a WORK SHEET where you can enter data.
Click on this

Guide Includes a way to develop a Work Sheet that makes calculating waste in
CF/year or as a percentage of what could theoretically be used easy and
accurate. Use the formulas provided to produce the spread sheet. Than place wire and gas usage data in the appropriate
columns and straight forward multiplication or division provides a total
waste calculation (Photo of sheet shown).